The Couple's Table

4 Years of The Couple's Table!

July 11, 2024 • Heather & Tom • Season 1 • Episode 139

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It's our 4 year anniversary!

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Instagram: @sodarntom

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Speaker 1:

hello and welcome.

Speaker 2:

My name is tom and I'm heather and you're sitting at the couple's table, the couple's table is a live stream podcast here on the channel. Join us for better or worse.

Speaker 1:

For richer or poorer In sickness and in health. After four years, whoa.

Speaker 2:

Even when I check the audio.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, my audio's loud.

Speaker 2:

Okay, tom is adjusting the audio. We really should have headphones. We're pros, we're professionals.

Speaker 1:

I just really blasted out the audio there. Hello everybody.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for being here, and it will officially our anniversary is tomorrow yeah, but there ain't no show tomorrow tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

But it's really cool because, if you don't know this, we're going to talk about the origin story of this live stream podcast. But first I'm gonna check in in the comments. Spiral lab is here hello, so good to see you. Peep brain in the house. Happy fourth kyle's here hi, happy fourth mike newman in the house hello, I finally get to make it on time. Andre's here whoop, whoop. Congrats on the fourth julie's here. Hello all. Happy four years of the couple's table. Ricky a robinson. Happy anniversary, ken. Hi from nor Long time no see.

Speaker 2:

Congratulations with four years of the couple's table. Andre Norway for the win. Ken Erold, bureau Nerd, is here. Happy anniversary Fruit or flowers, isn't that for the fourth year?

Speaker 1:

I actually don't know. I know there's like something every year, but I don't know what. I don't know, I have no idea. Yeah, I don't know what.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, I have no idea. Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

So it's Tom and I's fourth wedding anniversary, which is insane to me, just so crazy.

Speaker 1:

Definitely nothing going on Four years ago during May of 2020, when we got married. It's very easygoing, stress-free time. For everybody the whole world Go ahead, go ahead. Yeah, and that is the day that we started the Couples Table.

Speaker 2:

That is the day, yes the day we got married. Freddie always is here. Congratulations, Mohamed. Happy anniversary, Thank you, and KWAComedy. Hello and happy anniversary Heather and Tom. So today we're just going to hang out.

Speaker 1:

We're talking about what it doesn't have to just be anniversary talk, by the way.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but.

Speaker 1:

It's just cool that we're one day away.

Speaker 2:

We had, conveniently, was scheduled to do an episode one day off from the anniversary and the couples table is like such a cool thing that we get to do.

Speaker 1:

It's just I mean, that's why it's called the couples table is because it was like, since we got married may of 2020 and couldn't have a reception or a wedding with people or anything, yeah when we we got married at the local movie theater because that was our temporary county office during covid, and then we went to In-N-Out.

Speaker 1:

We drove through In-N-Out for our like reception food and then we came home, took our own wedding photos and then we later that day it was like, well, this is where there would be a reception. So we did a live stream and we were I don't know if we called that or we came up with the idea for the. I know we said couple's table, but I don't think that was called the couple's table. It was the idea that when you go to a wedding reception, there's, you know, there's usually all the tables and then the couple is at like the couple's table at the front. And that was it. It was like, oh hey, you're sitting at the couple's table at the wedding reception. That's hanging out, and that's hanging out and that's it. That's why it's called the couple's table. That's why we started it.

Speaker 1:

that's when we started it yeah that's the very short version of it, at least and it's really uh.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's why the intro is what it is. It's because yeah, that's why it's like a day we, yeah, did our wedding vows, but you know the the show has evolved into and we talk about our life and so much of our life is being, you know, content creators and just all the things that have happened along the way, and it's just so fun to be able to tune in, hang out with everyone who's joined us every week, except for last week.

Speaker 1:

Right, I was out of town.

Speaker 2:

Tom was out of town and we forgot to send the email saying that it was canceled.

Speaker 1:

It was such a busy week 'm sorry, no, I said we, it's not you no, I know, but I mean it was busy. I'm sorry, I didn't even think about it.

Speaker 2:

Uh, oh, hey, there's our wedding yeah, but so, like, just in case you weren't here, uh, we're not gonna play the whole thing. Uh, wait, what's at the end of this? Oh, that's it actually. Why not? We'll play the whole thing. Got us five minutes, um, but yeah, so we live streamed our entire wedding right off of tom's phone because the county said that they wouldn't.

Speaker 1:

Uh like, basically what happened was the county took over the movie theater so they could be in the box office and then people could come up to the ticket window, and that way there was a barrier between them.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And they were doing like they said. I don't know 10 to 20 weddings a day, but you couldn't have anybody there, like you couldn't.

Speaker 2:

And they had shut down giving out licenses for a long time and then it opened up for like a questionable amount of time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Uh, it opened up for like a questionable amount of time exactly, and so tom and I were like, oh my god, they opened up the opportunity to get a marriage license. Should we call?

Speaker 1:

well, we applied and then they called us. Our wedding was on a monday right, and then they called us on thursday and they're like we have a slot for you monday morning 11 am.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Monday at 11. And we were like okay, we should do this. Yeah, so I ordered a white dress off Amazon. It was the only. Thing.

Speaker 1:

We'd already been engaged. We were going to get married that fall.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so Tom had to give himself a wedding haircut.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, it took three hours. You know I'm looking at a side profile on the screen. It's not bad.

Speaker 2:

I did a good job. Uh, you two did. I also have a lot less gray hair there. It's been a stressful couple years. Huh, is that what it is?

Speaker 1:

I don't know what changed, what changed in the past four years uh, let's see uh audio hotline tier happy annie yours is soon too.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, andre and not out getting hammered and drunk like the others. Pvw media. No rugby league on the tv tonight in the uk, so manages to watch live for a change. Happy anniversary, guys oh great spiral lab. I didn't make it live to the wedding, but I watched it later that day or shortly after. It was so special. Uh, vault the robot. Congratulations on four years. Also, where is your handheld wireless?

Speaker 1:

that's what I'm using the sm7b. I was going to use the wireless one, but I just thought I kind of didn't want to hold it for an hour yeah, it would work great, but yeah, for an hour I was like why, when I can just have this, hold it for me yeah, yeah, all right, we're gonna watch this, uh five minute video.

Speaker 2:

Here we go ready. Oh, what happened to my screen wallpaper there? This is my desktop. What is it? Tertiary uh chrome yes this one boop, bam, um goes. This is what I've been doing. You should unmute it I should unmute it, uh, and then I need to turn on this thing. Well bam, and then I need to go over here. So here's what I've been doing. I don't know if anyone cares, but I have been doing this show transcript, because then it hides all the thumbnails.

Speaker 1:

Ah yeah, nice.

Speaker 2:

Anyway. So here we go here.

Speaker 1:

Let me just get into a break.

Speaker 3:

Walk around the corner.

Speaker 1:

I'll stand. Do, do, do, do, walk, walk around the corner. I'll stand. Crowd goes wild. So the whole start of that was we're here, and then a news photographer showed up, which is flattering, but then we can't. There can't be anyone else here as part of the ceremony, and so we had to figure that out and now it is just us.

Speaker 3:

We have a. Yeah, we have a.

Speaker 2:

We are ready, we are ready, we are ready.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my gosh Okay.

Speaker 1:

Let's hold hands.

Speaker 3:

Okay, you ready. Yes, there you go, thank you there. Okay, alright, you ready. Yes, thank you, sir. Marriage is an honorable and state. It is not to be entered into lightly or unadvisedly. Forever as we and soberly Into this relationship, these two persons have now been joined. I therefore charge both of you that, if you know any reason why you should not be joined, in marriage you are completely to be known at this time. Thomas, will you take Heather to be your wedded wife?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

To live together in the bonds of marriage. Will you love her, comfort, honor and keep her so long as you both shall live I do heather, will you take thomas to be your wedded husband, to live together the bonds of marriage, oh, will you love him comfort. I'm gonna have you recite your vows after me. We'll begin with you Thomas, I, thomas, I, thomas, take thee Heather. Take thee, heather, to be my wedded wife, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, to have and to hold. Look at our hands, I know, we're really playing for fingersies there.

Speaker 3:

For better or worse, for richer or poorer. For richer or poorer. As long as we push this through, as long as we push this through, as long as we push this through, as long as we push this through, as long as we push this through, as long as we push this through as long as we push this through, as long as we push this through as long as no, hi Heather, hi Heather.

Speaker 1:

Hi Heather.

Speaker 3:

Take me, thomas, to be my wedded husband, To be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, to have and to hold, from this day forward. From this day forward, for better or worse, for better or worse, for richer or poorer. For richer or poorer? You see, Tom's camera reflection.

Speaker 1:

EOSR baby.

Speaker 2:

To love and to cherish.

Speaker 3:

I can't ever get rid of that camera as long as we both shall live. Now we're going to do the exchange of rings. I'll start with the atomic. If you go ahead and take the ring, you'll be able to repeat after me. Oh typos in the students' group.

Speaker 1:

With this ring.

Speaker 3:

I be wed.

Speaker 1:

I be wed and pledge to you my fateful love. Sorry, I'm making this funny.

Speaker 3:

My fateful love.

Speaker 1:

I pledge to you my fateful love.

Speaker 3:

Perfect. Now, heather, go ahead and say your name, and then we'll get off your feet. With this ring. I be wed and pledge to you my faithful love. In a sense, thomas and Heather have been accepted together in marriage by virtue of the authority mentioned in Peter's statement.

Speaker 1:

So quick, yeah, three minutes, four minutes left. I know for now he's going to be husband and wife.

Speaker 3:

I think he's going to be the best.

Speaker 2:

Aww, look at that cute Chris I love you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much. You're welcome. Thank you, we Thank you. We really appreciate it. Some of our friends did surprise us by doing a drive-by, by driving by all right, we can stop there. We're gonna honk train everybody lost in time, locked in time there oh, that was crazy, that was a one. I'm glad we watched that. I didn't expect to watch that. I didn't know that's where we're going, oh man. That was the best.

Speaker 2:

What a crazy thing. Clearly, the world was shut down, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But it's so cool because we can literally go to the spot we got married pretty much any time because it's just the movie theater.

Speaker 2:

Fox office. It's just the movie theater. I know it's so crazy. What a crazy thing. Yeah, okay, let's check in. Let's see Matt Ruff is here. Music City, usa. 69 likes on that video. Smashes the like button. Congrats on your anniversary. Thankfully it's friday, jeremy. Oh, look at you too. Kevin cox in the house. Hello, all so cute, cute as mr camera junkie in the house.

Speaker 2:

Hey, everyone, we're all smiling as much as you are. Well, that was unique. Look at him all fidgety and nervous. His legs are tapping. He's marching in place your leg is going to tap.

Speaker 1:

I didn't realize. In my mind I was very cool and composed and handled it very well.

Speaker 2:

Congrats on four years, we celebrate our 40th at the end of the year.

Speaker 1:

What a good milestone.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. I'm not crying, you're crying Now. That's how you roll. So after this, like tom said, we went to in and out for our wedding lunch and, uh, tom had written just married on the car oh, yeah, it was super cute, uh, and then we came home and take a nap yeah, the people in and out.

Speaker 1:

The people in and out were like oh my god, you got just married and we were still. We were wearing these things. We drove from here to there, yeah, and we were like yeah like we literally just got married.

Speaker 1:

Like, oh my God, you got just married. And we were still, we were wearing these things. We drove from here to there, yeah, and we were like, yeah, like we literally just got married. They're like, oh my God, we're in the drive-thru thing and I was like obviously they're going to give us our lunch for free, right? They didn't. I really feel like not that we're entitled to it. But you know, this couple literally got married and came here for their reception. Let's give them a free grilled cheese.

Speaker 2:

We didn't get it. You two need to renew your vows at the hockey rink on the ice. This is a great idea.

Speaker 1:

That is a great idea that is a great idea.

Speaker 2:

Obs is here. Hello, congrats Yins too. Hi, andrew. Well, that was crazy. That was so much fun to watch again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, that was a great day and then that night we did the perception yeah, I don't.

Speaker 2:

I think I unlisted that one for some reason. But anyway, here we are and now here we are.

Speaker 1:

And now here this podcast is four years old as well.

Speaker 2:

And, oh sorry, go ahead, no, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I'll say two days after this. So we got married. Yeah, wonderful day. You know busy day. We had the next day calm wedded bliss, just Mr and Mrs. Peace. And then the next day we got a puppy.

Speaker 2:

The next day we got Finley.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know where he went. Um, yeah, I mean no, I know where he he's over. I don't know where he is at this moment.

Speaker 2:

I didn't mean like I don't know where he went no, he's in the dog right over there because he's not as interested in the podcast oh my goodness, yeah.

Speaker 2:

so it's like we had our like honeymoon phase for all of a day or two and then finley came and it was like I mean, if ever anyone here has gotten a puppy, it is you have to be very vigilant with the potty training. So we were just like basically taking shifts through the night, of like do you have to go outside? Okay, cool, oh my goodness, yeah. And then like, oh, having to go through him. Oh, here he is.

Speaker 1:

Here he is.

Speaker 2:

Look at this guy Shugga-dugga.

Speaker 1:

You're such a good boy.

Speaker 2:

Hi Finley, it's been four years. Oh, oh, oh, oh oh oh. Tom hit Finley's butt on his water bottle.

Speaker 1:

You got a big butt. I'm sorry, buddy, sorry.

Speaker 2:

It did not miss our marketing chance.

Speaker 1:

We gotta get you that Tom Buck blue so you two can renew up here before a kraken game oh yeah, let's go climate pledge, get on that puppies are hard, exactly it look at that guy though I know he's so cute he's very cute he's this very sweet boy, but oh my god, yeah, that was a difficult, like whole summer, because he was, you know, eight weeks, eight weeks old when we got him.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And then it was just puppy hood puppy hood hardcore puppy hood. Let me tell you, let's see, Can we show the puppy hood.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you could do it from your phone.

Speaker 1:

I think so.

Speaker 2:

I think it'll show up. Yeah, there it is.

Speaker 1:

Wow, boop, I'm mr puppy hood. Look at that guy. Oh my goodness, it's worth it. I'll finn he has no idea yeah, he's been on so many streams, he knows what podcast time is, though yeah uh.

Speaker 2:

Mcj says look, looks like you guys have been living a four-year honeymoon phase I mean not untrue yeah, I mean it's been awesome uh, it's look.

Speaker 1:

I'll be honest. When we started dating, I knew instantly I have so much dog hair. I knew instantly that I wanted it to be a forever thing no, you didn't. No, I did, I did. But I at the time was like I don't want to get married, um, because it was like we can be together forever. We don't need a piece of paper and all that stuff. I 100 wanted to be together forever and I was wrong. That was seven years ago.

Speaker 2:

Okay, we're together for three years tom made me cry because he didn't want to get married I yeah, because I didn't get it.

Speaker 1:

I didn't get it, but I will tell you now, in front of all the people. I was wrong and getting married was the best thing ever. It's different. It is different, it's the best. It's the best thing I ever did. It's my favorite thing I ever did Every day. I'm very grateful for you. I'm very grateful that I get to be married to you. It's the best.

Speaker 2:

I'm so grateful for you too. Oh, I didn't mean for this to be like so. Yeah, I thought we were gonna talk about, like like youtube channels.

Speaker 1:

I got some annoying comments right before we started. I thought we're gonna talk about those. I didn't know we can talk about those.

Speaker 2:

I don't know it's part of part of our it is part of our lives our wedding wedded life. Yeah, we were on route to the airport and stopped at red lobster, and so we generally eat at red lobster every anniversary, if we can. Nine months and eight days later, we had our first of four children wow, you, you really timed that there, Mike, popping in between final exams. Congrats y'all.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Good luck to you.

Speaker 2:

Good luck on final exams. Hashtag cute dog, call me Cubbies in the house. Happy Friday, kat late but glad to finally be here. Happy anniversary, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, thank you, thank you, thank you, okay. Okay, you two get her.

Speaker 2:

This is our room, well, I mean, this isn't our room, but it's All of the rooms here are our room. Yeah, crazy, and I think everyone here knows this, but Tom and I met on YouTube.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, everyone has to know this at this point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I, on my Instagram stories, posted the video that I made to propose to Tom.

Speaker 1:

That's a good one.

Speaker 2:

And it tells the story of how we met and how we became a thing, because we were not a thing for like we were not a thing, yeah, For we were friends for really well.

Speaker 1:

It felt like a long time it was a few months, yeah, but God, what an eternity.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, seriously going through it. It felt, I felt every day pass what is it?

Speaker 1:

it's a long days, short years or something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah uh, let's see, tom. Are you gonna get the new apple pencil pro?

Speaker 1:

I don't think so, because I have two apple pencils and they do everything I need yeah, the thing that would make me want to change if they added like flip it over and erase. Unless they have that, I don't know oh, I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

Mike's is getting married definitely made me feel like an adult for first time it really does suck to to be like in a long-term committed relationship as an adult and then have to refer to someone else, like your girlfriend, because it's like what? Like that's what my ninth grade students call you know each other and it's like I feel like what we are doing is different than maybe what they were doing. Yeah, and you know, it could be anything like I don't know someone's coming, a repair person's coming to the house and it's like, oh, my wife will be there. It's very different than like my girlfriend will let you in. I don't know, I don, I don't know Like you go to I don't know. Go to meet someone. Oh, I'm meeting my girlfriend here. Oh, that sounds so like I mean, it's fine if that's where you're at, but when you have both decided that it's a committed forever situation, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I know there's like the other terms, there's partner, there's all the things, but it's just like the good old classic like spouse, husband, wife, whatever that's. It's just there's something, there's a way to it. I promise we didn't but it it's really nice. Yeah, it's really nice, I love it. Good, wow, I got all these. I still don't have a real way. I mean it's real, but I just have this squishy one.

Speaker 2:

Let's see Audio hotline. I was that it's just a piece of paper guy too. I don't feel that way at all anymore. Ha ha, also Tom.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's right.

Speaker 2:

Anniversary is 1010. Oh, that's right. I think you had something in May.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know's 10-10-20-20.

Speaker 2:

Kat says haha, that's me and Phil. We don't use GFBF. I married to the most amazing person. She is the ying to my yang. I love that.

Speaker 3:

I freaking.

Speaker 2:

my favorite thing is when like people are like, yeah, it's our 30th anniversary and I'm like, oh my God, how cool.

Speaker 1:

I know Well, even your parents are at like 43, 4 something.

Speaker 2:

Mid 43, 4, something Mid 40, 40th.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's nuts.

Speaker 2:

I should probably know, but I don't. Mike says I propose because I originally wanted a cooler reception. Side note what you are not willing to do always speaks louder than what we are willing to do. Life gets easier when we men finally see that. Obz, yes, it is much better to save my wife I love that For it is much better to say my wife, I love that. For sure yeah.

Speaker 1:

And yeah.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, well, let's see, I didn't think that the couples table would actually Well, I didn't have expectations when we started the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there was no expectations.

Speaker 2:

We actually started it about being a couple Like our first few episodes were like are we going to have kids or? Finances or something yeah like yeah, I don't know Our finances as a couple.

Speaker 1:

It's like figuring out married life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I don't know Our finances as a couple. It's like figuring out married life yeah, and then I don't know when.

Speaker 1:

We kind of went through it for like seven episodes, like, well, it's everything we know. Yeah, what else do we do? Youtube, let's do that for four years. Okay, got it. Yeah, much more interesting, let's see.

Speaker 2:

Being married lets you into the secret club of married people. Lets you into the secret club of married people more adult feelings. Married goes from you and me to forever. We.

Speaker 1:

It is very much a we sitch.

Speaker 2:

Whoops babies kind of speed along the courting process too, you know, yeah, well, it wasn't a whoops baby, but Fin Pin was definitely hello.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely sped things up there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I lost my wedding band, oh wow.

Speaker 1:

I guess that's a good reason.

Speaker 2:

You lost like lost it, lost it, oh no I know that's a bummer. Okay, happy anniversary guys. Hey, hey, y'all, it's been a while. Hey, bailey, it's good to see you. Bye, mike, peace Aw.

Speaker 1:

Do peace. Oh, do you still have the silver windscreen? I?

Speaker 2:

gifted just right here, man. Actually it happens to be right. The reason why I don't use it is because it adds an extra two inches. I could use it, though I have the right mic yes, see, it adds an extra two inches, and so I was. I ended up being like further away and I would always sound uh quieter than tom, so I stopped using it but tom can use it.

Speaker 1:

You're hearing that, but there we go. Oh, it looks great, it's like made for that mic.

Speaker 2:

Look at that, yeah it's perfect yeah, well, there you go anniversary I.

Speaker 1:

I'm not affiliated with reporter store in any way, but it should be if you watch me like you watch my studio tour video, I show a shelf where you can see all the windscreens I have from and they did, I think, because I order so much from them. Uh, every once in a while they throw in like a random thing into an order, like what do you mean? Once they sent me one. It's very cool.

Speaker 1:

It has my name on it but I like I, I feel so weird using that, like it's a mic with my name on it, but it looks cool. And another one. They sent me one like this, but it, it was gold, it was a gold sparkly one, oh, yay. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there we go. Happy four-year anniversary for the couple table. Oh, it was a $20 silver band from Amazon. Okay, okay, that's not too bad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ours we still have the 3D printed ones. We wore to get married, but the 3D printed ones don't last forever, because they this one's actually been going for a while. Well, I got some new filament there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But they just fall apart and the layers start coming apart and then, like, as you know, the roll of filament I was using was old, so I literally print out a thing. It's just like a tray of like 20 of them for Heather. And as they fall apart, she just puts them on.

Speaker 1:

But, I started using the silicone ones, and this one lasts a long time. I like it because it's pink on the inside too, so it's like it's very cool and this one's lasted a long time. But I like these because I'm so clumsy that it's hard to damage these, and if my ring gets caught on something it won't rip my finger off.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I would like to have like a real forever ring ring, but I don't like these kyle says I forgot to mention I got accepted into the road affiliate program.

Speaker 2:

Not sure if everyone gets in, but I felt special. Being you should feel special.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome, hey, I think they have um quite decent commissions.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it's don't actually, don't quote me on what it is I think they have good commissions matt says I got my wedding, but it's a little tight, so wearing the same kind you do, tom.

Speaker 1:

When I was in high school I got a job at Target and when I was in the training they made us watch a safety video and one of the things was to always take off your rings, and the example was someone like trying to reach up on one of the metal shelves and they slip.

Speaker 2:

Oh geez, it did not end well. It doesn't end well. I don't even refer to it as reporter store. I call it the Tom Buck store. Dude Tom, we need to chat about your 3D printing stuff.

Speaker 1:

That was yesterday's video, which is cool, because I guess that wasn't public. You were talking to Kevin about my channel starting as 3D printing stuff. Oh, Huddle Up on Wednesday on YouTube, huddle Up.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You're talking about my channel. It was a hodgepodge at the beginning, but my first successful videos were 3D printing videos.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I started making a lot of those because I loved it. Tom's channel could have been a 3D printing channel.

Speaker 1:

Except that I don't know, after a couple of videos, I kind of, that was everything I knew about 3D printing and that was sort of it, and that was sort of it and that was it, I kind of didn't just want to get and test printers over and over again because yeah, so yeah, but it still shows up.

Speaker 1:

and yesterday's video has 3d printing in it, which was very cool because I made the thing for the wireless sm7b a 3d printed apart for it and literally within three or four hours of that video being published, someone had already, like remixed the part, because when you put it, when you put 3D printed things online for people to download, they can take the design and then put it into their own 3D modeling program and like, add to it and change it and remix it and then re-upload it, which is so cool. So they like I think they kind of improved it a fair amount. I should print their redesign and see how it works. Oh, that's cool. See that stuff's so fun and they're redesigned and see how it works oh that's cool.

Speaker 1:

See that stuff's so fun, and that's what I wanted to happen. I was like here's my idea. It's basic, this is what it does. Now you take it and run with it, right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Ernesto's here. Hi guys, happy Friday, michal evening, jeremy, as a former.

Speaker 1:

Autodesk employee Tom and.

Speaker 2:

I definitely need to discuss this is 3D modeling process.

Speaker 1:

I'm happy with my Tinkercad brute forcing method. That's about all I need for now Because I have so much dog hair from Finley Screen recorded, my whole thing of putting this stuff together and then in the part of the video where I talk about it, I just sped it up.

Speaker 1:

So it's eight seconds of I don't know 45 minutes of designing or whatever, and I'm sure if people know what they're looking at, they're just like what are you doing? Why are you doing this? But it's hard too because also, like when you do a 3D printed thing, it's not necessarily just the design you want to make, but it's what can you print easily? And I wanted to print something that's no support. So it's what can you print easily and I wanted to print something that's no support. So it's like it can't have stuff that hangs over nothing. You know it needs to be able to to just print and then you're done with it.

Speaker 1:

So those are. There's are limitations with like how I want to print and I love my printer. I have the prusa mini, but it's three or four years old at this point and so it's also, you know, it's not as high tech as some of the more modern printers are. Yeah, so, working with limitations there you go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. Well, do you have any updates about your youtube channel?

Speaker 1:

I'm changing my whole thing. No, I'm kidding um. Do I have updates about my youtube channel?

Speaker 2:

yeah, how's it going?

Speaker 1:

it's going great, it's going very good. I'm setting up to make a video, to record my next video. That's what I was doing before this. I'm going to do a it's like a re-review of the tamron 20 to 40. I have a whole bunch of audio related videos I want to do, but it's been a while. So I've done a camera video and I want to make sure to throw a camera video in there.

Speaker 1:

Um, and that is such a cool camera lens that I got when it came out, I bought it. It's not a sponsored thing or whatever, uh, and I love it, and then I never hear it talked about. I feel like it's either totally forgotten about or underrated, underappreciated. So I'm just kind of like re-talking about it now that I've had it for a year and a half and I still love it a lot and it's I shouldn't say so affordable in the world of camera lenses. It is, um, so that's anyway. I'm doing that, I'm setting up for that, I'm trying. Every lately I've been experimenting with filming in log instead of just the default picture profile on my camera never, a little bit scary.

Speaker 1:

So I'm gonna do this one in log, um, just to see, just to see. But if I do it poorly, um, it'll be a bummer because it's gonna be a bad looking lens review.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, yeah when I, when it's when it's like a video about a microphone, I don't really care, if you know, not that I don't care, but if I try something new and the video doesn't work out and it's like a little funky or the color's a little off, doesn't really matter, because you know it'd be like if you had a mic review with bad audio yeah, that'd be bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, uh, matt says. My wife had a friend who was a high-end jewelry business and he came to the house with a fishing tackle with five hundred thousand dollars worth of jewels totally custom ring. All I paid for was a stone.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's crazy.

Speaker 1:

That is super cool. I know, my dad gave me a stone. One of the times we visited him when we got engaged, he gave me some sort of stone. It wasn't like a diamond or anything.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's right Because he got real into gems towards the end there, yeah, and it's kind of big, it's very pretty. I don't know what it is, but it's. The thing is like not that it matters what it's worth, but I don't know if it's like is this from a gumball machine or is this like the Hope Diamond Could be, either? I really don't know, but that's still there. It could be put into something. Heather didn't think I was going to get her an engagement ring. Yeah, I told him not to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I was going to. I told him not to. I was like come on, I, I am okay. First of all, my engagement ring is like one of my favorite things, but I would have been totally happy with like a 3d printed yeah, you're not, I know you're, you're, you know you, not a material girl.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, that's why I like in our, because I rewatched the proposal video this morning and I was so shocked. I mean, I was shocked because he was proposing to me and I completely didn't catch on until it was happening. But then I was also shocked because there was actually a ring in this box.

Speaker 1:

A 3D printed box, which is very cool, with our initials in my handwriting engraved in it, which I'm very proud of.

Speaker 2:

Gotta go have an amazing week. Congratulations to you both.

Speaker 1:

See ya.

Speaker 2:

Bye, cgxl Media Happy anniversary.

Speaker 1:

Thank you Happy anniversary.

Speaker 2:

That's fun, yeah. So what else is up? Let's see what else it's happening with your youtube channel. It okay, um well, lots of fun things. I I have a new. I really have to do an update video. We also have to make the list video.

Speaker 2:

We haven't gone around to it like a month I know, uh, but I'm excited because I mean, we're going to do something in terms of if you have no idea what I'm talking about, um, my last two videos were about basically highlighting a gap in the creator space that, um, there is no space for resources, support, you know, connections for this creator in the middle I don't want to say creator, middle class but if you've seen my past two videos, you know what I'm talking about. I originally called them small business creators. We're going to change the name to something else and it's just, it's been so exciting because people want to be a part of it and we're definitely going to turn into something. My personally, my new, I guess the newest thought that I've had about it is taking the approach of being a, taking the same approach as an art curator. So actually, I'll tell you how I got this. I was watching this movie on Hulu.

Speaker 2:

Hulu I don't know if it was Hulu, it's called the Idea of you starring Anne. Hathaway. Oh, amazon Prime. Yeah, it is super adorable. It's a rom-com.

Speaker 1:

I was out of town.

Speaker 2:

He was out of town, I had wine and I was watching my rom-com and having a great time. But basically the main character, anne Hathaway, is an art curator. So she has an art shop in Silver Lake in LA and she knows all the artists, she curates their art and she sells it right and she can tell you about who the artist is, what their mindset was, what their approach was in creating the piece of art. Obviously she has the art there, but she can tell, she knows the artists where she can tell you a lot of the background and the story behind each piece that you're looking at. And when I was watching that I was like I think that's kind of what I want to do personally, because there is the group of people that we're all going to get together and that's going to be awesome, no matter what happens. Just I feel like bringing like even the people at NAB, just being at NAB, it was just like I felt so inspired, it was so powerful that even digitally, I'm sure when we get together it'll be super fun. So I'm not like worried about it.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, for me I really like the idea of of almost being like a YouTube creator curator, where I was just telling Tom this morning like what, if right, big picture goals. There were events like around the world of like art pop-ups right, where we would have art shows and I would know all the YouTube creators of the videos that were on display on loop right and people can walk through the thing, they could watch these YouTube videos. There's a there's a whole card on a profile of who the YouTube creator is and like why this message is important to them, who they are. You know a little bit about the background of like why this person came up with this thing that you are watching right now and, like you know just the the artists, the YouTube creators, can be there to talk about all that stuff. And the thing that I've always been interested in are the people right, like just these random assortment of people that it's like just seeing how people have shoestring this whole thing together to make something that didn't exist. It's just something I've always been fascinated about. That's the old. It's always been the thing that's fascinated me, and so I don't know, I really like the idea of like taking the approach of yeah, it's so fun to talk about the business side of things, but you know there is a reason why art is so.

Speaker 2:

It has been a thing since the very beginning of time and I I want to focus on that, I want to highlight, and not just art, like traditional art, because I myself didn't see myself as creative or as an artist, especially because my brother if you're here, this is no diss, but my brother is like traditionally what I saw as creative in terms of, like, working with colors and design and composition and all that. I never thought I was a creative person because I was like that's creative. I'm not that, but like anybody, anybody who's made a, a YouTube video, you're creating something from nothing, right, based off of your unique experience and perspective, and, like everything has your thumbprint. No one can create the content that you're making and, yeah, that's always fascinated me.

Speaker 1:

That was a really long answer it's a good answer, though it's hard. I like blacked out.

Speaker 2:

It's good, I do that. That's a good sign, though it's hard. I like blacked out.

Speaker 1:

That's good, I do that. That's a good sign, I think.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I think it's a good sign. That sounds fun.

Speaker 2:

What are your thoughts on?

Speaker 1:

that? Well, that's a good thing, that sounds fun I like the idea of I like the idea of approaching YouTube videos and making YouTube videos as a craft and just curating, even like you know I know there's a big picture dream scenario but even prior to that, just being able to reference stuff and share stuff and explain things you know like, like you are kind of the source for it's like the person at the record shop, you know who like you walk in and they just know every artist, every band.

Speaker 1:

You like this, there's this, this person's connected, like someone comes in and they just know every artist, every band.

Speaker 2:

You like this. There's this. This person's connected with this. Someone comes in and they're in a mood, right. And I'm like oh, you know who's the perfect channel for you to watch this person. They're going through the same thing. Blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you like that, they also connected with this person.

Speaker 2:

They were inspired by this. That's what I want to be.

Speaker 1:

I want.

Speaker 2:

I'm excited about it. All right, tom, it was fun watching you testing a Nikon for the first time. I know you're invested in Sony here, but what do you think about the Nikon now, when you're?

Speaker 1:

later. Yeah, the Nikon Z9. I got to make a video about that. I don't have that camera, I don't own it. Nikon lent it to me. They just emailed me. I think they were really trying to get people. No one was looking at Nikon, they were just like we will send you cameras for you know a month or two to check out, if you just like. Tell us what you think, please. I didn't have to make a video or anything and so I got it and I used it and it was awesome. It was such a cool camera and my only hesitation really at that time was that it was like their super high end camera. I think it was a $6,000 camera and they sent over these baller lenses with it. But it seems like a lot of the things that made the z9 great are now in like the z8 and less still expensive but less expensive models than that. Nikon seems to be doing like really, really cool stuff. Everybody I know who has a nikon and shoots on them like the modern one loves them.

Speaker 1:

Obviously they bought red, so that's very interesting to see where that's gonna go. Um, I am really excited for nikon and not only the cameras they're making. What it means for users? What it means is options for people who want to switch systems, but also the pressure that they're gonna put on others, because I definitely feel switching from canon to sony and I like my sony cameras. But I also feel like sony got pretty comfortable being like the popular one and maybe kind of stopped trying to care about their customers as much, and maybe now they're going to have to again if there's actually other options out there.

Speaker 2:

Tom's so creative. Well, both of you are.

Speaker 1:

Both are.

Speaker 2:

Yes, kyle, you guys should make your next videos in the other studio. Oh my God, I would love that. It'd be easy for me because yours is so push button. Mine is even like less easy now, because I don't even know what I would do.

Speaker 1:

Well, I would need you to set it up, so I could set it.

Speaker 2:

I could set it up for you, and then you just press record cat has a tv to myself tonight, so I know what I'll be watching it. It was so adorable, but it's like I don't know if you would delay it. It was like just the right amount of cheese and cheese.

Speaker 2:

I'm not lactose intolerant when it comes to that stuff Like cheesy but it's like very relevant for 2024. I was like, oh, I love this. Anyway, michal, the theme does seem to be about creative artists that create meaningful art in the form of YouTube videos. Small giants.

Speaker 1:

Small giants.

Speaker 2:

Lester says I'm traveling on Tuesday. Uh, lester says I'm traveling on tuesday. I'll let my wife know. Then she has plenty of vino. Andre, we're all the random majority. Matt tom, you want to move to nashville? The? School, my kids want went to is trying to recruit a new media teacher.

Speaker 1:

The four candidates I've interviewed I've interviewed have been dudes I'm a dude but, um, I do not want to be a teacher, a classroom teacher again. I was visiting my parents last weekend that's where I was for Mother's Day and we were kind of talking about that and I was like I'm so happy for my time teaching. I'm so grateful for it. I appreciate all my students, but public education post-pandemic I don't even. I've seen people online, like you know, give opinions about teacher stuff and so many current teachers are like if you've not taught since the pandemic, it's like you haven't taught, so stay out of the conversations and I kind of see why. So it's like I don't even know that I would recognize what I was used to versus what it is now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Ken says. Cool to hear your views. I've been shooting with Nikon for the last 35 years.

Speaker 1:

You must be super excited for what they're doing now, because sort of like touch and go there for a bit they were kind of on life support and now they're back in a very big way uh.

Speaker 2:

Lester says oh and love the firebird shirt, you guys, we are in playoffs round three baby uh, today is game two. We won the last game. It's best of five.

Speaker 1:

Best of five. Yeah, so first to three.

Speaker 2:

First to three oh, I just moved from the CV to Memphis. That's a change.

Speaker 1:

That is quite a change, I think I remember talking, yeah, I remember us talking about this. Hopefully you're liking Memphis. I don't know what your closest team is over there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I'm bad with.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Everything east of California, basically. You know, there was a time in school where I had to write, I had to fill in the blank, I had to fill in all 50 states. Yeah, when I was a sign artist school where I had to write, fill in the blank, fill in all 50 states.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when I was a sign artist at Trader Joe's and I would have a break, a thing I was trying to do is I had on my like legal pad that I would make notes on for my like signs that I had to make and I would try to write out all 50 states from memory. Wow, I could always get like 47, 48, but I was like always miss something you know, like Delaware or like something that was just like ah, dang, it New.

Speaker 1:

Hampshire, you know, like something I just didn't think of, but it was cool because I was to memorize it. I was trying to visualize the country and, like you know, the western half is easy because everything is very big and recognizable.

Speaker 2:

It's all like small and clumpy. Small and clumpy and weird and confusing over there julie says teaching post-pandemic equals not much teaching current public high school teacher, that's my fear, which is what subject do you teach which? Is a bummer yeah, I know, uh lester says the arena is a great addition to the area oh my god, yeah we have I was there this morning at a public skate.

Speaker 2:

We're there, like I don't know so many times, basically every day. We did buy recently tickets to new kids on the block. Yeah, with dj jazzy jeff and uh, what's her name? Paul abdul yeah lineup Now tell me Do you really want to?

Speaker 1:

Love me forever.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, oh I was like stay with me forever. No, or are you gonna be a hit and run?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

See, I know these songs. They're just sitting over there Straight up now tell me, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't know who they were by Straight up. Now tell me. Oh, yeah, I don't know. Okay, I don't know any new kids on the block songs.

Speaker 1:

I was like there's the one that's like oh, oh, oh, oh, that's it.

Speaker 3:

Oh, riley, the Right Stuff.

Speaker 2:

Is that them?

Speaker 3:

I have no idea what I do know, oh, the Right Stuff.

Speaker 2:

I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

What I do know is when I was a really little kid, when I was like four or five, my mom got a job at H&R Block.

Speaker 2:

And had to do the taxes?

Speaker 1:

No, not at all. I was five and kind of dumb and I thought she was like a dancer for new kids on the block, because that's the only thing I knew, and so she would like it was like tax season and she'd work like late into the night and stuff and I was like that's just like a dance rehearsal or something. My mom doesn't dance, she's not into music. It's not a thing, but that's the only thing. H&r Block what is that? New Kids on the Block? That's something I've heard of.

Speaker 2:

That's adorable.

Speaker 1:

It's 1989 or whatever. That's all I know.

Speaker 2:

Kat says 50 states. Closest team to me are the Norfolk Admirals that must be ECHL then yeah, because the AHL is the Gulls, which are in San Diego, so ECHL must be the Admirals, I think their NHL team are the Ducks, which is kind of funny since it's a cross country, so they probably go to the Gulls.

Speaker 1:

Gulls go to Ducks ah, I see. Julie's CTE. I was CTE too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what he was, but marketing, that sounds fun it was arts media entertainment oh, that sounds really fun. My current class is. Most students were fifth graders during the pandemic oh man, it's crazy, they're already high school a catchy song is the only way I still know all of the states by heart, thanks to my elementary school teacher. I say new kids on the block, paula abdul live a few years ago. Oh live a few years ago.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome it's funny they've been like touring together regularly. I only knew paula Paula Abdul from when she was an American Idol judge.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, me too. I mean I yeah because I can't think of another song that she.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure when we hear them I'll be like oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 2:

We also bought tickets to J-Lo, which I'm so freaking. I mean talk about knowing every song. Well, actually I don't know any of the new ones.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I know a few. Here's the thing, though Depending on how this playoff series shakes out, tonight could be the last home game of the season.

Speaker 2:

For the Firebirds.

Speaker 1:

Yes, well, I mean, you know.

Speaker 2:

It's not going to be Worst case scenario.

Speaker 1:

Let's put this out in the universe.

Speaker 2:

We're going to get a win.

Speaker 1:

This current series has to end away. However it ends, it's going to end at the Away Arena. I get my Mr Softy soft serve every time I go to the arena. Tom's like upset so there's a universe in which today is the last time we're able to get one.

Speaker 2:

No, because.

Speaker 1:

But now we're going to New Kids on the Block in J-Lo.

Speaker 1:

And you of new kids on the block in j-lo and you know what they still have during concerts. Mr senior softy andre says I just wish nikon would make a sony a6700 type class camera for video. It seems like nikon started it like canon and I don't know, maybe sony, especially canon, sort of starts, sort of. That's not true. It seems like nikon starting at the high end and kind of going lower with their like newer type camera systems yeah, I'm sorry, I'm just having thought because I was like who are the new kids on the block?

Speaker 2:

even they're not so new anymore no, I I know them because they all went solo. That's how I know yeah oh, but they're not gonna play those songs, are they that'd be?

Speaker 1:

I don't know no, they probably don't care, all the egos aside, like we just need to do this tour. Jordan brian, a mcknight is that one of them?

Speaker 2:

oh god, wait the one. That was like wait okay he was at a carnival or something give it to you because I love that song, but I don't know if that's the new kids on the way okay baby, you know, donnie walberg, give it to you, jonathan knight mark wall. Is that it mark?

Speaker 1:

walberg? Oh, because he was marking mark god yeah, jordan knight yeah, see, that's the one I was thinking of and joey joey mcintyre see, I was. I got a mom, I amalgamated them into one kid joey mcintyre.

Speaker 2:

What was he saw? He had a slow jam.

Speaker 1:

He had like a slow situation oh, maybe we'll see I'm sure each of them gets to do like one of their solo songs yeah, but what about the guys who didn't have solo songs? Sucks to suck, I don't know it's okay, tom.

Speaker 2:

I live in delaware after moving from detroit. Most people don't even know where we are on the map I'm aware of delaware, isn't? Delaware, the state with the most businesses washington crossing.

Speaker 1:

The wait what?

Speaker 2:

delaware, I think, is the state with the most businesses registered to it. Oh is it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I know no licensing fee or something. Oh, oh, oh, zampic is this a commercial? I was gonna try to play the song, but obviously I can't please don't go girl.

Speaker 2:

Fun fact cat says my dad was an early tech adopter, so I actually got new kids on the block cds. I wanted the tapes nice yeah, nashville.

Speaker 1:

Nashville has the Predators for NHL. Their AHL team is the Admirals and our team played the Admirals last season in the playoffs and beat them, and they're doing really well again, so potentially there could be a rematch in the next round for Pacific Division champions. I know sports. I know one sport.

Speaker 2:

I wanted cassettes but got cds.

Speaker 1:

I complain because I can listen to my room, only the living room.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's so funny, opposites attract rush rush, hmm nikons are great for photography. Still using my d7100 love the colors I mean, that was the thing.

Speaker 1:

Is everyone kind of thought nikon's photo cameras? They can't do video and nikon has been working so hard to like.

Speaker 2:

Uh, my first concert was new kids on the block and tiffany, wow, wow, what was your first aquabats?

Speaker 1:

no, I mean my first like actual one. Yeah, would be Aquabats. I saw like live music before but it was like you know, the county fair or like a church event or something. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I saw Neil Sadaka I know that name. Yeah, I can't remember what my first concert was, but, like I know, I've been to an NSYNC concert and I've actually-.

Speaker 1:

September 28th 2002 uc riverside yeah, uc riverside. Yeah, it was a free aquabats yeah, it was a free block party. They were just playing on a staircase. But then I saw them again october 25 2002, a month later, at the key club in hollywood. It was like an actual. That was my first like full lights video rick performance.

Speaker 2:

Rick on mike says forever your girl. Girl and Rush Rush are Paula Abdul's best songs. We'll have to listen to it today. Let me tell you, the last concert that I went to at the arena was a trilogy tour that had Ricky Martin, Pitbull and Enrique, and it was the freaking best. Like I didn't realize, I'm not like that huge of a fan. I think I'm a casual fan.

Speaker 1:

It's just so close. It's like if you're even mildly interested in anyone who's playing there, you might as well go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh my God. So every song was a banger. Every song was like oh my, this was like. It's like we hear these songs like on TV or during. You know, we Like. It's like we hear these songs like on TV or during you know. Well, you said they had full band.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't there, but they had full bands and horns and multiple drums and all the things.

Speaker 2:

It was the freaking best. That was seriously the best. Everyone knows. New Kids on the block. Wow, Everyone. It was the first concert.

Speaker 1:

Is it a Canadian thing or?

Speaker 2:

Well, I feel like we just missed it, because I feel like it was I don't remember it being big, you were like slightly too young. Yeah, I mean, I think so.

Speaker 1:

That sounds mean. I don't mean that, I just mean like, because I know, kat, you're literally like a couple of years older, like my older cousins, were into it yeah. I feel like maybe my friend's older siblings were more into it.

Speaker 2:

Because I didn't, like you know the girls, we were at the right age where, when NSYNC came out, backstreet Boys came out, it was like instant, like you know, boy band crush or whatever. But I didn't feel that. When I saw the, I remember there was like a water bottle or something in the kitchen with them and I was like meh.

Speaker 1:

I like the pattern because it was like that like early 90s, like jazz solo cup.

Speaker 2:

Uh, there's a walberg in there yeah, it's shocking I think I had the first paulo dual album for orcaset back in the day crazy yes, uh delaware tax. Yes, all businesses are incorporated here no, no corporate tax interesting what did delaware? Her brand new jersey, oh my god, jersey. So I know, delaware that's amazing uh oh boy, this is turning into a jingle song sing-along episode look at uh ken's camera lineup.

Speaker 1:

He's listening the whole thing oh my gosh, oh no.

Speaker 2:

Sales tax, corporate tax at a public enemy concert here in norway. Way back in the days they brought marky mark on stage to promote his concert didn't go down too well with the public enemy crowd of hip-hop heads back then that is such an amalgamation of things uh, rush rust was a great video. It had a rebel without a cause theme and keanu I was in rush.

Speaker 1:

I thought rush like the band rush, which is very different than like new kids on the block and paula abdul.

Speaker 2:

So my first concert was miami sound machine. Glorious stuff on oh, uh, yes, almost all major business in corporate in delaware because there's no sales. Oh, I said that, uh, you make me old. I had to run sound for paula here in nashville. She broke three mics that day snapped him over her knee oh my gosh, like favorite concert from the 80s katrina and wait and the waves, chaka khan and headliners wham wham, oh my goodness neil sadaka.

Speaker 2:

I haven't heard that name in a while, hearing laughter in the rain. I remember as a kid I was like so sad because I was like I don't want my first concert in life to be this guy I don't know. Uh, question, what concert did you go to that surprised you? I mean, I well honestly must have been the aquabats, because I had no idea what to expect and I've seen.

Speaker 1:

They didn't surprise me because I knew what to expect, but over the years, the bands they played with and opening bands, I've seen so many pleasant surprises. One of them, um god, there was a show I saw at the aquabats april 26 2004 by the way, how does he know these things?

Speaker 2:

because I'm weird. He's just saying like random, yeah, you, how do you know? Right, there's no confirmation here they had.

Speaker 1:

I think they had six or seven bands on the lineup, but the, the aquabats, were like co-headlining with lit, which is crazy, wow, um, like and like my own worst enemy, lit, and they were so good they they came out wearing like aquabats, goggles and everything and they played like all the classics well, you know the time, like five years old or whatever, but um, they were awesome. But then their drummer died of a brain tumor. Oh, which is crazy, because he wasn't even so.

Speaker 2:

That's why they're like they haven't done a comeback thing.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't know if they have a new drummer now, but when you're, I think they're only like a trio.

Speaker 2:

So when one, one third of your trio goes, it's kind of yeah, kind of rough uh, kathy, my first concert, the Jackson 5 at the Spectrum in Philly Big hair, black Michael oh man, what a cool thing to be able to witness in real life. Like how awesome is that it was in the 70s. Everyone had huge afros and I could barely see the stage. That's a bummer.

Speaker 1:

It's worse than cell phones now. Oh man, well, that was fun, that's a bummer.

Speaker 2:

It's worse than cell phones now. Oh man, well, that was fun, that was fun.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what we talked about, but I had a good time.

Speaker 2:

I know Well, we're at the top of the hour, and thank you for all of you guys who tune in every week. The Couples Table is like just so much fun. We hope you guys have as much fun as we are, and we will be back here next week, yeah, so on to the next, on to five years. On to the fifth, on to the fifth.

Speaker 1:

I see, plead the fifth. I see Matt said he took his family to Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's awesome, I bet that would be amazing.

Speaker 1:

That sounds cool, actually. Okay, concert of the surprise Pentatonix would be a good one. We a good one. We did the we. The first thing non-hockey thing we saw at the arena in the holidays was pentatonix. Because it was like we're gonna go see something and tickets were cheap.

Speaker 2:

That was awesome yeah, an acapella concert is so fun yeah, they kick butt yeah, that's crazy because it really feels like there's instruments and there aren't. So crazy I love, love this. Look at first concert 1974 festival in Ontario, california. That's who we're playing tonight.

Speaker 1:

Ontario rain Oof.

Speaker 2:

Thanks again. Once again, happy anniversary. Enjoy your day. Great to see you have a good weekend. All right, everybody, we're going to wrap it up.

Speaker 1:

Time to clear the table. Thanks for watching. Thanks for all the well wishes.

Speaker 2:

And we hope you have a safe, happy, healthy rest of your weekend and we will see you next time. Bye.