The Couple's Table

NAB 2024 Recap

• Heather & Tom • Season 1 • Episode 136

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Here's everything that happened during our first trip to NAB!

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Instagram: @sodarntom

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Speaker 1:

hello and welcome. My name is tom and I'm heather, and you're sitting at the couple's table couple's table is a live stream podcast here on this channel. Join us for better or worse for richer or poorer in sickness and in health every friday, 1 pm, pacific standard time.

Speaker 2:

As I also then check the audio, tom is gonna check the audio, and if you guys can't tell, um, actually I think I'm gonna move this. So we just put this curtain up right before the stream, so that now we have a really wide shot this is the widest shot that you've seen in this room. Yeah, you can like, we're almost at the door and then, like I've never shown, I've only shown like up to here. I think Also, tom had an extra one of these. Yeah, and now we match and match.

Speaker 1:

Which is cool, because they don't make this one anymore.

Speaker 2:

The same one I have.

Speaker 1:

The company's still around, but they don't make this pattern anymore.

Speaker 2:

Oh, they're going to bring it back. They have to bring it back.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I haven't. So I bought two of them. After I bought mine, I liked it, I bought another one. This has been in there for like a year and a half now.

Speaker 2:

What's it? Let's see the squiggle, the squiggle over here. Oh, the squiggle.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, check the frame, yo looks great.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody. All right, pw, pbw media. Hey, heather and tom. Sorry, we'll catch you live again. I want to ask gene potato has a tripod with small rig. When does the road mix meister by tom buck get released? Uh, april 1st simply obs is here. Hey y'all, I'm excited to see and hear y'all. Julie gayhart is here, excited to catch us live. Tom, your nab changed my life.

Speaker 1:

Video was fantastic oh, thank you very much.

Speaker 2:

That video um was fun to make uh, prive, my privy, my says hi, hey, be your own nerd. Happy friday, tom, heather and everyone. Coach, constance inance in the house. Hello Heather, give Tom a big hug for me and then Tom give a big hug to you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this is that one, and then this is the other one.

Speaker 2:

There you go. Happy Flirty Friday. It looks fantastic, awesome, bless you.

Speaker 1:

Well, we survived, we're back, yeah I know, and thrived, and thrived, but man, what a wild week it's been yeah, oh boy, I thought I was gonna be like into places functional uh, it was amazing I only feel normal today it was so tiring it was, it was exhausting and just like it was all great.

Speaker 2:

It was just a lot, so much, so much.

Speaker 1:

We're talking about NAB. We weren't here. We went to NAB National Associated Broadcaster Convention in Las Vegas, yes, and I got poofy hair and it was. We were there from Saturday through Tuesday and that was a lot. That's so pretty now, oh, there you go, look at that. You can like see the pattern more now. Oh, okay, it's the PlayStation button thing. So, anyway, yeah, that's what we did and we hung out with some amazing people, saw some amazing stuff, had some amazing conversations, uh, and not a ton of sleep.

Speaker 2:

So yes, and if you haven't, because I just have to tell everybody about this, babe I hope you don't, mind but tom did do a video on nab, so if you want the recap, I did the video the day after we came back first thing in the morning I was in bed yeah, I couldn't believe.

Speaker 1:

That's why my voice at the beginning of the video I don't have a voice, barely yeah, because everybody by the end of nab, literally everybody you talked to could not talk and everyone was just horse yeah but all right.

Speaker 2:

So what did we think about it? It's fine it was awesome, like whatevs. No, it was amazing. It was awesome, it was so cool yeah, I'm really. It's something I've wanted to go to forever and I can't, I'm I if you're in the space, the audio video media broadcast space and that's what your youtube channel is about like you should definitely go for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, even if you're, it's not what your channel's about, but you want to know more about the tools and things and people in that world, it's worth it. I was looking up yesterday. The oldest NAB video I could find on YouTube was from 1989, 1988, which I didn't realize. I knew it's been around for a while. I didn't realize it's been like that long and someone had like their old camcorder and vlogged it and it looks very different. But it also doesn't look different at all. So it's like it's kind of cool that it's been there for that long and it, you know, like I guess it's a testament to the importance of broadcast and audio video communication and the whole deal yeah, uh, call me cubbies in the house, hey, hey hello ob says that that was a fantastic video thank you it was great the real pal room is here.

Speaker 1:

Hey, y'all trying to tell aubrey that we're saying very nice things about her, because one of the things that we noticed at NAB especially like our little core group that we kind of spent most of the time with Heather kind of like used the analogy of I don't know if it's like a wireless phone charger. You know, like there's certain people that when you're next to them you just feel like you're being charged in a good way.

Speaker 2:

Like your soul.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like your batteries are being charged, yeah, and there's other people, obviously fortunately not the ones we encountered at NAB, but there's other people who feel the opposite they drain your batteries and it's kind of amazing when you can be around a bunch of people that charge your battery, and Aubrey came up as an example.

Speaker 2:

We always talk about you, even though we've not yet even met in person. We haven't even met in person 100%, though.

Speaker 1:

Aubrey, somebody who.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'd feel charged, you'd charge us up. But it was great because at NAB we got to meet all like so many people who get it, who just get it, who get what we do, who are doing it too, who've had to figure out the same things that we're, you know, hitting our heads against the wall.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They're doing it, done it and it's just. It was cool because the passion like I see, tom, we see each other all the time and it's so great to see other people just as passionate about the thing that they're making content about and what their youtube channel is about, and just like you know how many times do we pull out a camera? It just feels weird there. It's like everyone's, everyone's going, like we're not, we're the ones who are like oh crap, we should be recording this yeah uh, and it's just, it's totally.

Speaker 2:

It was definitely like one of those. Oh, these are my people yeah, the other people who get it and it. It's a nice reminder, you know, and I think, also for me. It was really cool to see brands excited to meet the content creators.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like I can, it's just cool, because it's not I don't know. I know people can say like, oh, you're just a seller or whatever. But we were there, like, oh, you're just a seller or whatever, but we were there. We saw the genuine enthusiasm for these people who make the products that we use and and to see all the different ways that we use it and then that gives them ideas for future development of products and it's just.

Speaker 1:

It was such a like inspiring yeah space, so that's something I said in the video I made was it's easy to fake enthusiasm for a little bit, like you can set up a booth and one person walks up and you're like, oh yeah, check this out, it's the best thing ever and you can. You know, anyone can kind of do that for a little while, but for an extended period of time, especially in like such a chaotic, you know, just being in there is a tiring environment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and then you have to be on, you have to interact with people, you have to tell them the stuff, communicate about the things you know. Like the people we all interacted with at the end of you know, days into it are still going strong, even if they're losing their voices. It's still like you ask them a question about what? About the thing they're like?

Speaker 1:

oh, hang on a second, let me go get the thing and show you whatever, and it's like so cool you can't fake that, even if they happen to be wearing a shirt from a brand they're working at, like there's, you know, you kind of find like there's a reason they want to work with that brand or for that brand and that's. That was cool homesick mac.

Speaker 2:

Hey, everyone, I'm playing some guitar back up to the ct practicing for the festival gig tomorrow awesome nice thanks for the sound bed uh, we all need those energizer bunnies. Cat is here hey hey damn getting all yawning again I think this is like your brain goes into nap time I don't.

Speaker 1:

I haven't yawned all day, haven't yawned anything. It's as soon as 1 pm friday hits, I'm just like well, time to check out. Good thing we don't have anything happening, except that we do.

Speaker 2:

Uh we got to spend a lot of time with cat. That was so much fun. Yeah, I told Tom I was like I don't know when the next creator thing is, but we're going, we're going.

Speaker 1:

Well, the good news is NAB is a reliable one. Yeah, so that's something that can just be built into the calendar every year. I think it should be. And then there's, you know, all the other things. There's the Ecamm ones. We've even been talking about potentially investigating VidSummit for ourselves, which is one sort of the opposite NAB. I've wanted to go to VidSummit's, the one I'm like, eh, not really for me.

Speaker 1:

But, I think it might be worth doing just to make our, because there's a lot of still really interesting awesome people there and I would like to form my own opinion about it and not work off an assumption.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. So we'll see. Let's see. Working boots at a trade show can be a bearer. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, I can't even. I was tired and I wasn't working.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like everyone else was over there, and just you have to say the same thing over and over and just it's. Oh man, Just walking around was exhausting and I didn't even have gear.

Speaker 1:

He had nine microphones and a camera and I don't even.

Speaker 2:

God, I needed like a hoverboard.

Speaker 1:

You know I had so many microphones in my backpack that it made it so heavy.

Speaker 2:

Gil is here Level up with Mike.

Speaker 1:

hey everyone, earthworks, ethos, love using that mic I'm making this my default couples table mic unless I want to unless I want to try something else out, because it's just, it's the easiest one to incorporate into this setup the most seamlessly yeah, so it was awesome, it was great.

Speaker 2:

I I had zero expectations, uh, and yeah, I'm so glad we went oh my god.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was so sad when it was over I know you said it's cute yeah, I mean it's a good thing to feel sad about, it's not? Like okay, well, geez, let's, maybe we could leave early, you know, like that kind of thing oh yeah, I didn't feel that at all.

Speaker 2:

I'm really looking to see how much I can sell one of my kidneys to be able to go next year. Bark and I were pity texting each other all week as we watched all our videos from NAB.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I mean, you guys were there in spirit because you were saying good things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel like, everyone was mentioned, like even if, even if, yeah even if you weren't there, uh, like it, I don't know, it felt like everyone was there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I definitely recommend going it's crazy too, as I've been like watching other people's videos pop up and stuff. There's so many people who were there that I didn't even know we totally missed. It's like, oh, it would have been great to see them, or oh, I know I had that.

Speaker 2:

I had just no idea I was like I was checking my instagram and all these people they were posting at booths that I was standing in. I was like how did I not run into you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then people were posting from booths so I was like where was this? We walked the whole thing and I was like I never saw this, I didn't see that. I didn't see that. It's very large. It's hard to get the whole to really see everything it has to offer. Julie says when you find your people, it's awesome, a thousand percent, and that's I mean from immediately. That was it and um, it's funny. I don't think he's in the chat right now, but bronson from audio hotline was kind of like prior to this.

Speaker 1:

It just so happened the three of us were staying in the same hotel and so I was like oh yeah you know like you're welcome to, you know, hang out with us as much or as little of the time that you want. I didn't know what he had planned or anything, but he's like, oh yeah, sure, that'd be great. And then, as we were like in the taxi going to the hotel, I was thinking, wait, this is someone I'd haven't met in real life. What if this he always did? I just like ruin our trip by inviting someone. That's good, it's not gonna. You know, whatever all the things. Obviously it's not the case. But then literally, yeah, as soon as we it's just as soon as we like meet instantly, everything is like. It's like I swear so many people I couldn't believe we had never met before in person seriously or that I only see it's like we've done this once a year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's the fun part about youtube, isn't it? Yeah, I mean it feels like we hang out all the time yeah, and it's.

Speaker 1:

It's very rewarding when you see you know like by far pretty much everybody is when you meet them, you're like exactly the person the difference is maybe height, like doc is exactly the same.

Speaker 2:

We met doc before, but it's just like it's weird hearing his voice like not in headphones.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's always a weird thing Like this isn't? My AirPods sounds so good right now, and it's funny too when it's when you're with a lot of people who have YouTube channels and you ask them to explain any anything, it turns into your own personal YouTube video because you could.

Speaker 1:

You could be like, oh like, you know what's your backpack? Oh, my backpack has this strap on here. But if you see, right here, the strap will do the thing with the button and it's like. You just like can't help it, which is really funny, it's really cute.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, let's all go to ecamm creator camp oh, that'll be a fun one dj where's here?

Speaker 1:

hey y'all get a direct flight from palm springs to the tiny town in massachusetts yeah, we'll see about that one I want to do that one. I just don't want to do like multiple. Our connecting flight situation is rough I know it hasn't been.

Speaker 2:

We haven't had a good track record when it comes to connecting flights, something, something always happens, I think, every time something has happened.

Speaker 1:

It's bad yeah, so that's why vegas is a direct 30 minute flight. Yeah, and even that like worst case scenario, like if a flight gets canceled it's a five hour drive, so it's like, okay, you're kind of. You know, you're sort of good to go.

Speaker 2:

Uh well.

Speaker 1:

Well, well.

Speaker 2:

Um I so. For me, it was life changing NAB.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and I had no idea. We've talked about my stuff enough.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, I don't want to get into it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's why I'm like okay, I don't know what you want to share. Yesterday, on the huddle up, someone was like what's Heather cooking up?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so here's what happened. I had zero expectations.

Speaker 1:

And then we went to a talk that was like it was life-changing.

Speaker 2:

It was life-changing and it led me to come to a conclusion that I wouldn't have been able to come up with without that talk. But I had all the pieces and it kind of made everything click and I was like, oh my God, this is it. Click. And I was like, oh my God, this is it. So I think if you are watching the Cubs table, you've probably you probably know, I like talking about the creator economy stuff. I did a whole like podcast about you know, from one to 100, which focused on creators who don't have large audiences but can run whole businesses. I had a whole thesis about the passion economy and so I have like a new one and I'm very excited about it. But I don't want to say anything until I have the video that kind of presents the idea in its full form, version one, because obviously it'll evolve. But I'm excited about it and tom obviously has just lost sleep because I've been like what about this? What do you think about this? And like this is this? What do you think just overall?

Speaker 1:

um well, you know what I think and we haven't explained what the idea is, so it's a little hard to go into.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna try to put the video out this weekend. I'm still writing it.

Speaker 1:

I'm hoping to record tomorrow I think it's essentially something you would have wanted to do eight years ago, when you started your channel, but didn't have the experience or the insights that you could only get by doing it for eight years, right yeah?

Speaker 1:

and and so it's like you're like ready, ready, but it's just just needed the more time. And now, the more time has happened and the talk. I mean I'll just say it was so bad, that's. You know, we we don't very rarely negatively say negative things about anything. This was like rough, um, and to the point where I had to leave. In the middle I started crying.

Speaker 2:

I forgot.

Speaker 1:

Maybe not the best review I cried Well, okay. She cried, I left no.

Speaker 2:

I didn't cry at the thing I think I would have, but Kat talked me off the ledge but we got to the Vegas airport and I was-.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you were crying in the airport.

Speaker 2:

I was explaining why this talk was so offensive to me, which, by the way, I'll just tell you what the talk was it was called the State of the Creator Economy, which is why I wanted to go, because out of all the things that NAB.

Speaker 1:

I had a whole list of like we need to do this, this. She was like there's this one talk at 11 am. I just want to do that.

Speaker 2:

I was so upset by it. It was just, it was so upsetting and I was trying to figure out why am I so upset to my core? I figured it out, I freaking figured it out and I figured out like why and what I would have liked to see and what I'm going to do about it. Moving forward, which will be in the video, yeah, and I'm excited about it. I'm just so excited. Moving forward, which will be in the video, yeah, and I'm excited. But I'm just so excited. I'm just so excited because I I I can say that like I feel this way, but I've been running everything by tom and he feels this way too. And there's the validation of, like, everyone we hung out with at nab, all the people I've talked to during my eight years of doing youtube. I feel like this would resonate with them, right, I think it would make sense it's a very specific, yeah, group or audience, so it's different when I'm like heather thinks this, but it's like no, I think.

Speaker 2:

I think I don't know, we're just dancing around. Just wait for the video. I'm trying to get it out as soon as possible'm writing like a madman here with my pen and pencil.

Speaker 1:

Look at, Kat. Oh the talk. I complained about the feedback form you did.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, I should ask you what you thought. I know, I know what you thought, but anyway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's funny because everything else was so great and even that day was great, like before and after. You know, all this great stuff is happening like cool, amazing, amazing, amazing. Let's go to this other thing. What is happening?

Speaker 2:

okay, back to amazing stuff well, here's the one thing I'll say, because basically it was the state of the creator economy. They, they started the talk by asking the audience is anyone here a full-time creator? And I will shout this from the mountains hell yeah, I'm a full-time creator. I, I have purple hair, I have a hat, I raised my hand super loud and proud and I made sure to make eye contact with all of them so they knew that, like, not only we were there, I was there I raised my hand but I didn't do the eye contact.

Speaker 2:

I was like, yes, I am okay and then they proceeded to talk about stuff that was completely relevant for 40 minutes yeah, irrelevant.

Speaker 1:

And D I don't know what you would call it Discrediting, Disrespectful Discrediting, that's a good one. I wrote that.

Speaker 2:

That's in my video.

Speaker 1:

That's a good way, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and like the one thing that I would, we should put this in the feedback form. That I would. You know. We should put this in the feedback form, no-transcript, like they're already there. If you want to know what the state of the creator economy is, ask the content creators of the audio video media broadcast. That are right there. They're right there. I can't believe you, you know, I don't.

Speaker 2:

It's bizarre, bizarre, sorry, it's baby steps, baby steps yeah, it was just, it was so bad, it was scary. It was also scary because it's like this is our job and at one point someone said, like someone said the term creator middle, not class, but they said creator middle, something Like maybe it was creator middle class. Do you remember this?

Speaker 1:

I think someone said it like a very. You may be left.

Speaker 2:

You may be left, um, but then the I don't. I don't want to misquote, but the implication, from my understanding, was that because the creative class was the one thing I resonated with, and then it was like, oh, that's just a phase, it'll fade out, and I was like, wow, so you're basically telling me that we're out of a job which, like I, get the reality of the fickleness that is youtube? But I don't think that.

Speaker 2:

I don't believe that at all and if anything from what I saw, from observing, you know, from standing next to you, the entirety of nab, you're gonna be fine good, we're gonna be fine for a long time, which is which is why I you know, anyway, I we should just end this talk, because we're not actually talking about the thing and I don't want to not include you guys. So just stay tuned for the video and we can talk about it next week.

Speaker 2:

You got a whole script happening somewhere I got a whole, I got a whole thing. But yeah, the one thing that I will say is that if you're a content creator, it's exciting. This is an exciting time, Even if you think that you know it's too late or it's saturated or whatever. I definitely feel like. First of all, what was that male to female ratio?

Speaker 1:

10 to 1.

Speaker 2:

I think it was more like 20 to 1. Oftentimes I was the only female in the room yeah, um, so that. But I just I feel like there's plenty of room. Even if you start today, like if you're just getting started and I think for a lot of you guys, you you already have a channel, you're already doing the thing, like keep going, there's, there's, it's it Like keep going, it's exciting, it's a fun space to be a part of and it's being recognized.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's kind of something we were talking about a couple weeks ago, when we were talking about, like, the quitting trend on YouTube, the I Quit videos, where it's like, you know, it's not that the platform is changing, it's that it's now been around long enough for careers to end voluntarily yeah, not, not because something happened, but for people to decide, like I am done. I am essentially retiring from this, which means, though, you need new people to come into it. Right, like it's okay, it's just a coachella buddy, sorry, there's people out there picking up other people for the big music festival.

Speaker 2:

Thousand percent, that's what's happening out there discrediting, deflating marilu, described as hella male, hella pale oh yeah yeah, look at that guy.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you can see his tail. It's okay, um, but yeah. So that's why it's like, if you think of getting started there's room because there's you know people. It's like if you think of getting started there's room because there's you know people. It's like classes it's like oh well, there's already 400 seniors in this graduating class. Sorry, we can't have any more seniors. Well, yeah, until next year when they leave, and then you need. You need more people to come.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's the same thing like if someone want to start a restaurant, you wouldn't tell them like, don't start a restaurant because there's already this many restaurants in the world. You would ask different questions like right, you know where are you going to put your restaurant, you know those kinds of logistics, but obviously people start restaurants all the time. Um, that's not a reason to not do it.

Speaker 2:

If you're really passionate about it, do it yeah so, yeah, that's kind of how it it so, overall, like as, as someone who likes talking about the creator economy and having a career as a content creator, I was encouraged, I was encouraged. You censored me. Overall, I was encouraged, I was excited. I think it's a lot to talk about AI in terms of it being concerning, but you know, I think that it's only going to change and improve workflows.

Speaker 1:

But I don't think it's something to to grow in terms of generating and creating content. The, the, the seeking out of human-made stuff will be more valuable. And they, they said the same way, like with a piece of furniture. You know, handmade is a moniker of quality, yeah, and you know, it's sort of the same thing and I'm like yeah, cool, that's great.

Speaker 2:

More premium, more, yeah, yeah which I'm cool with that that's a good thing um yeah, uh, youtube is already replacing tv as a primary form of video entertainment in homes everywhere. Yeah, it's, yeah the push.

Speaker 1:

I don't know it's the push or the trend, whatever it is, but youtube just being really widely adopted on big tvs and rooms now over the past, especially year or two, which is why I think talking about tiktok is irrelevant um, kathy, I was seriously considering just jumping on a plane to vegas, but new job had me grounded okay uh, let's make a plan n. Wow, that sounds crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Also.

Speaker 1:

NAB DJI Pocket 3.

Speaker 2:

Is that?

Speaker 1:

the thing that I was assuming. You want to know the most popular camera around.

Speaker 2:

Actually, yeah, what were people using, tom?

Speaker 1:

The DJI Pocket 3. I mean by far the most popular thing. Everybody had that camera.

Speaker 2:

I was confused because I just saw everyone holding like a stick and I didn't realize, because it doesn't look like a camera, it just looks like a stick.

Speaker 1:

Kind of yeah.

Speaker 2:

It just looks like a stick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, the camera itself is like this big.

Speaker 2:

It's like this, but bigger.

Speaker 1:

But a lot of people kind of had it on like a little handle.

Speaker 2:

So then it's yeah, but the but the thing at the top doesn't look like a camera. So I was like why is everyone holding a stick? And oh, that's a camera with a mic in it. That's like pretty decent.

Speaker 1:

But like every person pretty much.

Speaker 2:

That's what they were using to vlog to do interviews, you know, to even interview people like companies and booths and everything yeah.

Speaker 1:

And there were a lot of people I talked to who, like it was their camera they bought. But there are others who are like I don't know, I got my big camera in the hotel room but like I'm just going to carry around this, it looks cool and now that I've been watching the videos that people have been posting, I was like oh yeah, so what are your thoughts? I think it's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Looks good, sounds good it will.

Speaker 1:

It looks good and it sounds. It sounds good too. Thing that pairs right to it, which is very smart. So then it's just like that's why everyone, everyone also had a little mic on a stick so they could go around and interview people. And here's a camera. It's got the face tracking. I get it. I get it.

Speaker 2:

I totally get it yeah, good, uh, homesick, mac pocket three is great I got it.

Speaker 1:

It's insane, like I can't. It wasn't like five people had it, it was every. Every person who was just sort of making their own little nab video is pretty much just using that, unless you're a weirdo like me with like my fx3 and a handle strapped to my shoulder I really wish you had a monopod.

Speaker 2:

My shoulders were dying, so if you ever see tom's footage where he is actually in the shot, I'm probably the one recording, and I apologize, for I started out here and it was just like I don't know, I didn't.

Speaker 1:

I didn't play. I had my big tripod, but I was trying to like be as light as possible. Monopod would have been the way to go yeah, yeah, I saw a couple people that was like oh man, which is sad because the tripod I brought and left in the hotel room the whole time can turn into a monopod, but it was just in the hotel room. The whole time can turn into a monopod, but it was just in the hotel room the whole time well, now we know oops.

Speaker 1:

Another thing I did learn too about my own camera is which I didn't know because it was handheld. I was using the fx3, I turned on the enhanced stabilization and it has some crazy wobble um, which I thought was kind of like. That was a big thing. When the canon r5 this is camera talk now, by the way when the canon r5, this is camera talk now, by the way when the Canon R5 came out, it's like sensor wobble and stabilization wobble. The FX3 is not nearly that bad, but I haven't. I use the enhanced stabilization pretty limited and I've never used it this long and for you know, just totally like handheld, like hold the camera for six minutes straight and just film you know people talking it has some pretty crazy wobble, some pretty crazy stabilization wobble.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cause when it's stabilizing the sensor.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of moving like this and so it creates this weird like wobbly parallax thing, which just is what it is. But it's the thing. I've had that camera for a couple of years now. I didn't have no idea.

Speaker 2:

Well, there you go. Was it a part of the swag bag?

Speaker 1:

There were, I mean booths, I think had swag bags.

Speaker 2:

Well, it was weird because even the badge we got like wasn't laminate or anything or didn't have like a cover, which I thought was weird for a multiple day trade show.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go get a thing, though he's going to go get a thing.

Speaker 2:

We're going to go show and tell Gil's asking what's the coolest moment you experienced at NAB? Well, nab. Well, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make a compilation video of all the times that tom got recognized and people wanted to say hi and take selfies with him. Because, oh my gosh, the whole thing was like a proud wife moment for me, because you know who would have never thought that something like that would happen? It was. It was just like. That was like, seriously, just a proud wife moment.

Speaker 1:

That was pretty ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

Like people cut in as he was talking to people at Shure. Oh my God, you're like a celebrity. Can I take a picture with you?

Speaker 1:

And I was like I'm getting this whole thing on video and there were a couple of times which was the whole thing was nuts and I don't know how to process that, because it doesn't believe it or not happen normally. There were a couple times where it'd be like people kind of like waving from a distance or whatever, but there was one time. There was one time where, like two people had just passed by, like oh hey, like I love your channel, can I get a photo or something.

Speaker 1:

I was like yeah, yeah, and then, kind of like across the booth, someone was waving anyway, I was like waving and then I sort of like leaned out of the way and they kind of leaned with me. You know like usually you think they're waving to someone behind you, lean out of the way so they can see that person. They with me and I waved and I was like, oh yeah, for sure they're me. And then they were not waving at me and everybody there's like five or six people around just saw the whole thing happen and I was like now I feel stupid because I was like this person recognized.

Speaker 1:

This person recognized me. Oh, obviously that you're waving at me too. No, that's not what happened oh my goodness, um yeah.

Speaker 2:

So what about you? What's the coolest moment you experienced?

Speaker 1:

I, I don't think I could even pin it down to a singular and that was kind of it is an overwhelming thing. So even if you're like what's the coolest product and you keep it, really like there's so not life-changing, transformative, Everybody we were with.

Speaker 2:

We were with mainly a group of four to five people the whole time and just honestly, one of the coolest moments was just hanging out with everybody being able to hang out with Kat for multiple hours yeah not just like a one dinner, but let's hang out and be able to just talk.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and experience stuff together make memories like all that. Yeah, you go to a booth, you have a goofy encounter yeah all that kind of stuff. It's really fun. But a moment that was really cool, which I sort of touched on my video this is ridiculous, yeah this is the thing I now want to make.

Speaker 1:

I brought this as a joke, which is the sm7b with a mic booster and the Sennheiser wireless pack on it, because it was for a video I was working on, but this is the kind of crap I had in my backpack. This is not necessary. But I was like, okay, I'll do this. And I didn't realize I thought this would be funny. I thought it'd be like when I walked up to someone especially if they know audio and I hold this up they would kind of laugh.

Speaker 2:

As soon as I pulled this microphone out, I was recording.

Speaker 1:

So Tom was standing in front of the Shore booth. This was even before the Shore booth. Like everywhere, people were just like Offended, yeah, and then I was like we should go film in front of the Shore booth.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so they did, and I think it was you and Bronson and I was on recording and literally every Shore employee was like what the hell is that? Yeah, and then and then he had to turn around, be like I know I was like I, this is on purpose, trust me, I know what I'm doing.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I know that what I did, and the funny thing is, I mentioned this in the video that I was using, you know, sure, mike sennheiser wireless pack, and they were like oh, why aren't using our slxd3? And I was like because I don't know what that is. And they were like oh, here come on. They like let us borrow some of their wireless things and told us about it or whatever. Which then Bam, they were just like oh, do you just want? To like, hang on to that.

Speaker 2:

I was like sure, so your sure thing became a sure thing.

Speaker 1:

So now I have another wireless setup.

Speaker 2:

I have the shore one my god, this is heavy, though yeah, this is a very it's.

Speaker 1:

It's nicely weighted, like if you, if you're not, like in your backpack. It's actually very well balanced. There's no handling noise and the sound quality is great.

Speaker 2:

But now I got this wireless setup, which is sure cool uh, jeremy says kind of like jeff dunham's jalapeno on a stick. Yes, obscure mics is here, hey yo hey rocking the nab show t speak of the devil.

Speaker 1:

This was the thing that happened repeatedly too, is you would say? I swear you would say anybody's name three times and then they would just show up.

Speaker 2:

It just appeared yeah, so crazy. Uh, gil, please make that video. I will. We're talking about the compilation of you oh, did you actually film stuff? Yes, I didn't know oh yeah, I just have to do, I have to make it. But sorry, priorities, I gotta make my video first no, I can't make anything else.

Speaker 1:

Tom's ego video is the one but it was.

Speaker 2:

What I tried to get was like a shot of someone taking a picture of you, like obviously it wouldn't make sense. It was just like, like I wanted them to actually like the selfie thing. So, anyway, we'll see what it comes out to. Um, it was fun to watch tom get recognized. That was very weird. Cat got recognized though yeah she's downplaying herself a lot.

Speaker 1:

Especially elgato or corsair were just like boom, wait, did they? Were they the ones that recognized cat?

Speaker 2:

well, there was a, the other Source of an R.

Speaker 1:

There was another company that was very, very excited to see Cat?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can't remember where they are.

Speaker 1:

I kind of don't think Corsair did. It wasn't until the other lady was like dude, you're on the freaking website. Right, because both Cat and I are on the Elgato website for the prompter and the guy walked up to me was like you heard about the prompter?

Speaker 2:

uh, yes, dude, I have heard it's pretty cool literally leading the discussion on youtube right now I mean it's fine it's not you know, obviously, but yes, it's just, it's just funny yeah, but then the the other lady who was at the booth definitely recognized yeah asking for a picture of stuff. That was super cute.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, roland, that was it I didn't want to name names if they were just like so excited well, jeremy says that your post-show video brought tears to his eyes thank you and kathy's and mine's and tom's yeah I played the end, like the last bit of it, on the huddle up and like tom wasn't even, he was just. He joined the huddle up as a person on the scoreboard and then was just I muted it in my room and I had to like but then I turned it on right at the end so I didn't miss the discussion.

Speaker 1:

I was like dang, yeah, I don't know it was funny because I had wanted. I said like one of the things I want to do, I want to an NAB recap video, which is the most common video to make after you go to something like this. Here's what I saw, here's what I think about it. And then halfway through the video it just sort of turned. I was like I'd love to talk about the people I spent time with, and then it just kind of like really went in a direction and I didn't there's so much like just had to get cut out and yeah uh, I feel you tom all you do in my downtime is try different ways to use stuff, not as it was intended.

Speaker 2:

Very fun tinkering is quite fun, shouldn't you be dropping? Did I get name dropped by the dynamic duo I see before? Me, you sure did you were mentioned several times, yeah mostly good, all good.

Speaker 1:

It was genuinely all good. I told you that, but it was, I promise it was true I went on auto pick yesterday.

Speaker 2:

Uh, we have one last chance to drop and drive rob rob fulton. That's a cool use of color on your set also. You two are warm and friendly. I also think that raglan pink and black is really cool. Never seen that before.

Speaker 1:

Big inspiration, thanks yeah, um twelve dollars on amazon, but I don't think they make these anymore because I can't buy anymore. I bought like two of all the ones I like yes, he's got.

Speaker 2:

You don't have a blue, you only have purple and pink.

Speaker 1:

Now I think you know it's weird the different colors, the neck fits differently the black the pink and the purple are the only ones that have a neck. That's not like huge and I don't like that. But yeah it was, it was nice because I guess a lot of people who were in, like the broadcast industry and media and stuff, they're very used to wearing black because that's when you're behind the scenes something you dress in black, and even youtubers, especially in the camera space, the thing is you're black.

Speaker 1:

And then you were there in like bright things, bright hat, purple hair, and I have my pink shirt on and I felt like it was literally someone came up to us and was like I love your colors, like well, I was just, it was very easy to find you in the crowd. It was nice like there.

Speaker 2:

Okay, there she is gotcha uh, rob says oh, rob gave us a super sticker, oh, thank you that's so nice for sticking around. Uh, it cannot be understated as to how important that video was for an aspiring content creator, because tom nailed it what it's all about Finding your circle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, youtube really. I mean, I think I have a video that's roughly. It's it's almost like an earlier version of that idea.

Speaker 2:

It's maybe like my 10th video 30 day challenge.

Speaker 1:

I think it's the third video in the 30 day challenge. It's called you Belong from 2017, september 2017. It's shorter and it's called you belong from 2017, september 2017. It's shorter and it's different. And actually there's it's just text on screen, the whole video, because I was like I don't know what, I don't know how to make a video, um, but it's kind of cool that like okay, it's almost like the thing you were talking about, like the. This idea from from way back then, that early on, has only just sort of grown and made more sense as time went on and now, years later, even like more proof that it's it's important and relevant well, so when I was writing my video, do you know?

Speaker 2:

so? Uh, also at nab, I celebrated my eight year anniversary of uploading my very first YouTube video on April 16th 2016. So celebrating eight years of doing YouTube. But the reason why I started my YouTube channel was to document my journey in starting a business. That business is now us together.

Speaker 1:

It's not the one you planned, it's called ShareSpark Media, but, but I was.

Speaker 2:

I was thinking about my mission statement because I came up with my mission together. It's not the one you planned, it's called ShareSpark Media, but, but I was thinking about my mission statement because I came up with my mission statement To educate and empower people to utilize digital media to achieve meaningful goals. That's just empowering people to be content creators. That's all it is.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I didn't know that.

Speaker 1:

To utilize digital media yeah, To achieve meaningful goals.

Speaker 2:

It's still like I'm still doing that yeah, you do it very well to this day, yeah and how.

Speaker 1:

How would you have felt eight years ago, when you're like, okay, I'm gonna like start a youtube account or whatever, try to like edit this video and I movie to then see where you literally were eight years later, not even figuratively I mean.

Speaker 2:

So tom and I were doing that the whole trip, because it was also trip was a trip the trip was a trip because, um seven years ago, we had gone to vegas for the adobe max conference, which we went to as friends and adobe had invited me to go.

Speaker 1:

You got paid for school by school, because half my job was adobe freaking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, subscription management, but then now, like seven years later, going as both full-time youtube content creator, youtube creators, business partners, husband and wife, like it's, it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

It's pretty wild. And we're staying at the same hotel.

Speaker 2:

That yeah so we took a picture of the of the place where we first held hands for the first time, because it's in the lobby at the link.

Speaker 1:

They should put a plaque there.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, it's just like I don't know. I think that's what I find so exciting about this space is that I don't know where we're going to end up, but every day it's like super fun. You know, it's just it's fun. It's cool to be able to pursue your curiosity with as much dedication as you can, and it's what I wish I could tell myself is like there were so many times during my working career as an employee where I'm like this is such a good idea. I wish we could do this. And everyone was like nah, it's too much work.

Speaker 2:

Or like why would we do that? It's going to make you know, even though it's more effective, more efficient, more results. It's like no one wants to shake the boat, no one wants to go like, no one wants to try very hard. And by being able to run my own YouTube channel, I can go as hard as I want, I can do whatever I want. I can literally change my studio. No one else, there's no red tape Like I can, I can pursue my, my ideas with all of me, and to be able to see what we're we're able to do as a result is like it's validating in terms of, yes, trust your freaking gut, trust your gut and just go, because, even though I can't tell you where you're gonna end up, you can't put this on a business plan, there's no thing.

Speaker 2:

But it's like I I feel like we're competent, competent enough, resourceful enough uh, you know smart, like we'll figure it out and it'll all work out. And I it's just nice to to have the proof of so much of the last eight years of me doubting myself. Now I can say all right, you're fine, whatever you do from now on, it's gonna be awesome.

Speaker 2:

So just like, keep going, because now, look, look at this look at this like if I hadn't made that, if I had not made my YouTube channel, we would not have met. This whole thing would not be happening. Like you know, maybe you'll be at NAB.

Speaker 1:

It would have been very different, though. It would have been part of a school thing and I would have been looking at everyone going like I wish I could like find a way to do this.

Speaker 2:

You would have been going up to the person like saying oh, my God, I love your channel.

Speaker 1:

I mean I still did that, but I'll still do that. But yeah, it's, I think you, you and I have talked about that a lot, that kind of stuff, but it's, it's one thing to talk about, it's another, like you said, to see it like actually happen because, especially as we, the longer we're married and stuff, and just morph into the same person, just one person.

Speaker 1:

It is kind of hard to know like I have this idea that makes sense. Oh, it makes sense to me, it makes sense to you, okay, but you know, it's kind of a vacuum or an echo chamber sometimes. And to see, you know, everybody else that we talked to and spent time with and and kind of got into like the nuts and bolts of what they do, it was very similar where it's like you're, um, you're doing this thing. It's changing and going in directions you couldn't have ever predicted Right, but you're able to navigate. That because of the underlying enthusiasm and passion and the drive to do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because otherwise? Because if you weren't into it then it'd just be so easy to sit on the couch why bother? Why put it on the? It's so much easier to watch Netflix or whatever instead of make a thing. You know and and like it's just nice that, like so many people told me, you're going to do what you're going to do YouTube you're going to. How do you make money? How are you going to make money? And and just to know, I kind of liked that it was unpredictable, it's been a wild ride and it's it's like I haven't regretted anything, anything and it's actually better than what I thought it was gonna be. So I'm just like it's just nice to be able to, to have done it, you know, to feel like I've done it right, even though I just felt like you know it's not, it's unconventional, it's a little weird, it's a little weird.

Speaker 2:

No one gets it unless you're in it.

Speaker 1:

Or you're at NAB and then 70,000 people get it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, it's a specific person who's like all right, this is the space that we've got. If all we can do is use the closet under the stairs, we're still going to make it work. I'm doing this in front of my apartment bedroom window because I don't have lights. I'm not going to let any of that stop me. You just keep finding a way. Those people are so fun to be around. Yeah, it's that thing of like. There's other people, other resourceful, dedicated, passionate people, and I just feel so incredibly grateful to have a place where we can connect, like with other like-minded people. You know, it's not just us. I'm just not the crazy person.

Speaker 1:

I'm not crazy. It's very validating in that way?

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly For sure. Contextualizing you might say yes, exactly, all right, where are we? Did you do this one? No Thanks, aaron Patrick says. Or QuickBooks chap, where are we? Did you do this one?

Speaker 1:

No Thanks, aaron Patrick says, or QuickBooks chap says thanks for your content over NAB, especially the what gear video. I have a conference next week. I feel so much better about it now. Oh great, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So for my Patreon channel supporters, before NAB I said what I was bringing and that is everything that I brought, and I actually used all of it, except the two extra lenses I brought. I didn't change my camera lens once. The 24 was completely unnecessary because I had my Sigma 20 to 4 or Sigma Tamron 20 to 40. And I thought I'd bring the 24 because that's my main lens and it can do super shallow depth of field. There was no need for that. And then I brought my 85 millimeter, which I did fully intend to use. I wanted to go film everything around NAB 85 millimeter, which I did fully intend to use. I wanted to go film everything around NAB.

Speaker 1:

And then what I wanted to do is put the 85 on and go get like of the really key things for a recap video that I thought was gonna be a more traditional recap video. I want to get like B roll, really like nice, nice, nice looking B roll of stuff, and I just didn't have time, I just ran out of time to do that, uh, and obviously I brought like a ridiculous amount of mics, so those that most people don't need to bring, but everything else was absolutely utilized and it it was not um, it was a lot to carry, but I actually survived and wasn't in a lot of pain. Uh, let's see.

Speaker 2:

I feel like heather was a consultant on the design team for the t t-shirts. It definitely matches her studio. So, consultant on the design team for the t-shirts it definitely matches her studio. So let me tell you something about these t-shirts. Um, I don't like women's cut t-shirts because the neck is like look at this I was talking about so much like a small neck okay, and then the the arm.

Speaker 1:

Things are like so tight, but I really like these are the only ones with this super cool logo on them.

Speaker 2:

Yes, there were like normal size shirts or the unisex shirts, I guess, and that logo, that print, the design on it, was awesome, except it had the word capitalize on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was like create refine connect capitalize real big on the bottom. I was like what?

Speaker 2:

No, so I wanted that one, but you know. So, if I had this, I had a dream that I cut this out and put it on a normal shirt I have a whole drawer.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know if you know this. There's a whole drawer in our bedroom like the big dresser in the bottom.

Speaker 2:

That's all my old like band t-shirts I finally got rid of them in the last purge what I want to do is cut out the things and make a quilt. Yeah, I don't have to do that though but I, I can't get rid of those. Let me tell you, tom, there's definitely a youtube video on this there's true uh, let's see. Ob says. I will just say thank you both for helping me with so much. No, oh, you help us, hobbs. I mean literally. We've talked about you every day.

Speaker 1:

I can't help it. I'm sorry, there's something weird. Tom thinks you're boring.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

God, help me get to sleep. No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

Speaker 2:

Definitely fits the Buck. Ramirez aesthetic.

Speaker 1:

Buck Miraz.

Speaker 2:

The Buck Miraz Super chat.

Speaker 1:

Well, I have my purple one and I like it, but I noticed when I wear it in here I just disappear. That's the thing with my hair the size you can't even tell it's purple because it's just all it just Especially because it's the top that's purple, so that blends into the wall, and then this is black, which kind of blends into the couch, so it's literally just like wearing a green screen shirt.

Speaker 2:

What higher the lamp I think I'm going to make it hard.

Speaker 1:

It could look like I have a good idea or I'm an angel.

Speaker 2:

Let's see Rob Super chat hey thank you Thank you. Is it possible to hire you or Tom for a few hours or more to help me over Zoom with setting up cameras, content creation system and other missed Q&A? I'm not a course taker, Let me know.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I totally get not being a course taker, yeah, course taker, yeah, um I. I have a consultation page on my website that currently has no available dates, just because calendar is a little kooky. But usually at the beginning of each month I kind of go through and look and see like sometimes he has a day and he's like it's super unpredictable yeah um, but that's the place to do it.

Speaker 1:

But it's just like I wish. I wish there were more time to do that, because they're really fun to do and it is is easy to just like it's not in person, but it's the next best thing, like you're having trouble with something and I can just say like show me the other side, connect this here, put this there.

Speaker 2:

What if we did like a one day a month joint consultation? Then we can do it together.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that would be fun. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll do that. $2, dollars an hour, no, no, well, that would be fun. You know that would be fun. Uh, mark says it's our fault that it took nab to feel like your tribe was there for you.

Speaker 1:

You don't get enough credit for all, oh absolutely absolutely. Not your fault, by any means yeah the support means the world to us.

Speaker 2:

It was more of like. It wasn't like that. It took nab to feel it. It was more of like uh, because we we knew it was there, it was, it was like proof.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, like you see, you see comments on things and you see messages and you're like oh, I know that those are people I know. Sometimes they even send me photos. They're like look here's my setup, or whatever, and it's like this is a real thing.

Speaker 2:

It's just different when you meet someone face to face.

Speaker 1:

It was, yeah, it was just times, so much, you know, because it's so big and there's so many people there.

Speaker 2:

This is part of why we watch the story. If you guys alone is great, then you got the respect the community has for both of you. It's better than TV. Oh, that's nice tv.

Speaker 1:

It's also not hbo because it's called max.

Speaker 2:

Now it's tom and heather uh, yes, it's one thing to talk about it, another entirely to do it.

Speaker 1:

Project repeat will do it for you vets that make quilts from t-shirts oh, perfect, because, yeah, I don't want to just end up ruining all my t-shirts re-pat okay, that's something I need to look into, yeah I would love your thoughts on the new youtube layout with suggested vids and comments.

Speaker 2:

I would too, except I don't know what you're talking about. What is this?

Speaker 1:

oh, um, I don't know. Suggested videos being different unless it's the for you tab on, like somebody's channel. When you go to someone's channel, the first videos you see now are different for everybody oh it's like for you oh, so if I, if I went to your channel like yeah, go to go to my channel and the top thing isn't going to be the thing I put there. See, it's for you. Oh, and it's yeah. So there's that. I don't know if that's um so there's this.

Speaker 2:

This is the that's the trailer. You put this there yeah right, okay. And then there's the members, and then now there's a For you tab.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and then it's all the playlists or whatever that I put there, but that For you one is new. I don't know if that's what you're talking about. That's different. And look how much bigger they are, too, compared to the other ones. So there's that, and then suggested comments.

Speaker 2:

I think when, like when, you're watching a video, the vids are below the video you're watching and the comments are on the right now.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they switched it. I didn't realize. That must have been like really new. I know what they've been doing with comments is, if you don't have the comments open, especially on like maybe this is only mobile, like iPad and stuff but it flashes a new comment. It used to just put the top comment up there, but now it changes them every little bit to a different comment.

Speaker 2:

Wait, I don't know what this means. The vids are below the video you're watching. Oh, so they switched. This is now the comments, and then the videos are down here.

Speaker 1:

I need to like oh, wait here well, well, that's mobile though yeah, I don't know. I mean I think it's interesting. I mean you can tell how much of it I'm aware of.

Speaker 1:

What I've seen is interesting and seems to work fine so far interesting it's very cool to see how they're making little tweaks to things like that and even the comments. It's pretty fun like this. This is a uh, this is a. The random video I clicked on to test things called the most dialed in man on instagram um, from danny gonzalez. And if you top the comments, there's the top comments, there's timed comments you can see when people left stuff and then there's newest comments. But there's also ai topics and it's sort of like oh wow, it groups together comments that it thinks are about the same thing. In this case, one of them is his eyebrows, um, and it's funny because it's like you think okay, you kind of felt like the comment section was done, like Like it's finished. You, you put comments on the video and then you can like it or dislike it or reply to it or report it. I don't know what else you need and they're finding all these little ways to like, tweak things around, sort of add more into it, which is actually super interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Uh, Prive my says they don't like the new comment thing Kat says it's smart. Um, they thing Kat says it's smart. Julie says they switched it and hitting the thumbs up is a pain now.

Speaker 1:

Oh is it. I just liked it whenever. I think it was last year they switched it and hitting the thumbs up.

Speaker 2:

It would be on here though.

Speaker 1:

This looks the same on yours at least. I like the new animations they put last year. When you like subscribe or thumbs up, it's like so satisfying to click it because it has like an animation.

Speaker 2:

It's such a beautiful video thanks, gail oh, this video. I thought you meant the the dandy gonzalez video.

Speaker 1:

I want to watch that video, but ernesto is here hey tom, another happy friday rambuck, rambuck rambuck team rambuck. I like that one too. We had to get our um our first game for our new hockey team that we're on together.

Speaker 2:

Is this a coming wednesday existential crisis of what, what name, to put on the back?

Speaker 1:

yeah, heather had to pick her name and number I thought about putting.

Speaker 2:

I thought about putting buck, just to like you know have the coolest name out there, I get it well, but I feel like it would be so confusing to everyone because you know that's obviously not my last name. But I was like, oh, if there is a place I could put your name, it'd be. You know it would be here anyway, I didn't. It's removed. I thought about it first it was definitely a crisis.

Speaker 1:

Then you had to figure out a number and the whole thing. Someone took your default number already yeah, but I actually like oh, I think great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I ended up using the number of my favorite player.

Speaker 1:

I mean.

Speaker 2:

I think that's a very common thing.

Speaker 1:

But that's cool.

Speaker 2:

Jeremy says when did YouTube highlight the like and subscribe buttons when they were mentioned by the talking head in the video? I don't know, but I saw it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, is that a? Thing?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like when you said I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I saw like when you said I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I saw it on someone's video. They said like and then the like button sprinkled. Oh, I gotta just keep saying that throughout the video, over and over again.

Speaker 1:

The whole firework situation. Well, we were. We had a zoom meeting last night with our hockey team because that's the kind of hockey team it is, um, and I didn't know yet about zoom reactions and so there were balloons and hearts and things happening all over the place, and then it kept.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're crushing my computer just do this and then, like hearts will shoot out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah or if you give, I think it's double thumbs up or something.

Speaker 2:

Balloons go everywhere yeah, people are like how did you get balloons?

Speaker 1:

like I didn't know, I had balloons. I was unaware of this anyway, well, that was fun that was really fun.

Speaker 1:

I'm really excited for you. I'm very, I'm very happy we got to go to neb together. I've always wanted to go. I'm very glad that I got to wait until this year to go, because it's one of those things like, oh, I wish I would have gone sooner. I kind of don't, because this was the perfect year to go. I'm glad we got to go together. We both got something really meaningful out of it and I'm excited for you to to share with us what you took away from it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, me too. I'm scared. I'm like so scared though. See, it's that thing. It's so much easier to just sit on the couch. But no, I'm excited about it. I'm just. You know, it's just typical Heather anxiety, but I would love to know everyone's thoughts. So hopefully we can talk about it on the couples table next week and hopefully I can get the video out this weekend.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All right.

Speaker 1:

I can't wait for it.

Speaker 2:

You can have Buck too. No, tom, no, stick to the puns.

Speaker 1:

that might be apple, not zoom no it was on zoom there was something in the menu of zoom about reactions yeah, it says recognize hand gestures. Hand gestures yeah, yeah, that had to be it, because then everyone kept getting. I felt bad because then it sort of derailed the other person.

Speaker 2:

Then everyone was like yeah, we're 15-year-old students.

Speaker 1:

It was the first time, though, that I've had issues with my. You run the same. We have the same computer for our streaming setups the base model M1 Mac Mini that came up three or four years ago.

Speaker 2:

I think it was the internet. I don't think it was the internet. You think it was Ecamm.

Speaker 1:

I think it was because it only messed up after I started doing reactions. But I had Zoom open, Ecamm open. I was recording on Zoom.

Speaker 2:

You're also in the Bass Mac Mini, aren't you?

Speaker 1:

I bought that when I was teaching on Zoom and it was fine. But, Zoom is like so much more insane now than it was when I was teaching every day. That's why I like stuff like reactions, and every time I do a reaction, then my video would like freeze and stutter. Oh, and I had the prompter connected too, so it was like another external display and I think that combination of stuff was finally too much for the base model Mac mini.

Speaker 2:

You were pushing the edge there.

Speaker 1:

I think I was pushing the edge a little bit.

Speaker 2:

All right, well, everybody, thank you for tuning into the Couples Table and just like overall thanks.

Speaker 1:

Just thanks for being you.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for showing up, thanks for contributing to the conversation, thanks for doing what you do. I mean like a lot of what we do and what we think about. What we do is because of what we talk about here on the couple's table. Yeah, a thousand percent. Yeah, it's just. You know we're doing this because we think it's fun, but it's so much more fun that you guys join and participate and you know that we get to connect every week, so it's super fun.

Speaker 1:

So thanks, thank you very much. With that said, time to clear the table.

Speaker 2:

All right, see you next week.

Speaker 1:

Have a safe, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, fun. Rest your week and we'll see you next time.